When my first Son Cole was born in March 2009 I thought my heart would explode with love…

Every parent will remember that gush of love you feel for your new baby and how your life changes so suddenly that you forget what you ever did with your time pre-baby, your baby becomes your entire life.

We spent the next 7 years as a family of 3, an unbreakable trio who took on the world making the most incredible memories along the way. Quite often people would ask me if I was going to have another baby and my answer was always “Not yet” Quite honestly I would have been happy for the rest of our lives if we only had Cole, thinking about having another baby felt wrong in a way when our world evolved around Cole.

Fast forward to December 2016 when we found out we were expecting baby number 2….

My first thoughts turned to Cole, how would he feel about not being the only child anymore? Would he be upset? and then my own thoughts crept in, I worried I wouldn’t be able to love another baby as much as I loved Cole and for those first weeks leading up to us not knowing baby’s gender, I felt somewhat disconnected.

When we found out our baby was going to be a little brother, we finally could start to picture our new lives as a family of 4. My little bump continued to sprout and I loved every minute of planning his nursery, buying new baby clothes and doing all the fun stuff every Mum-to-be does.


I often chatted to my clients who had more than one baby, almost looking for reassurance and it always struck with me when one Mum had commented “Your heart has room for all your babies, it just expands”

Our second Son Carter was born on the 19th of August weighing 5 lbs 15oz and was the most perfect little baby.

The most precious present we could have ever received as a family. The moment I laid eyes on him I knew that my heart had enough room to love him just as much as I loved his brother. He had filled a gap we didn’t even know existed.

People often comment about how they fall in love with their partner or husband when they see them as a Father, which I can whole hearted agree on but what was more profound for me as a Mum is the overwhelming love you feel when you see your babies together. It doesn’t matter if its the first time or further down the line, I have to hold tears back when I see how much Carter lights up for his big Brother. I can already see their bond and I’m sure Cole will agree that having Carter is the best thing thats ever happened to us as a family.



So this blog isn’t about me running off with a 90 year old man (that would be interesting)  It’s for all those Mama’s who have the same worries as I did. Please don’t worry, I promise you, having another baby will be the best decision you ever made.

I look forward to living life as a family of 4 and making memories with the most amazing guys by my side. Who knows what the future may bring, now I know how much you can love another baby, baby number 3 is never going to be ruled out, we will see 🙂